Car Antenna Balls, Mirror Danglers, and Dashboard Buddies

Coolballs "Cool Cop" Police Car, Truck, SUV, Jeep Antenna Topper

Regular price $4.99

Cool Cop Birthplace: World Trade Center, 911

Fits Thin Style Car, Truck, SUV, and Jeep Antenna (Small 4.5mm Diameter Hole for Antenna)

During the original first production of the Cool Cop, the terrible tragedy at the World Trade Center happened. Our hearts go out to all the Heroes of NYC who lost their lives saving others. It may be their job and they get paid to do it, but with that job comes a lot of selflessness. I for one appreciate them. Thank you Cool Cops of the USA, this is for all of you who serve and protect.

  • Find Your Car, Truck or SUV in a Crowded Parking Lot Really Fast
  • Made of Soft, Durable, Waterproof EVA Foam. Size 2" Diameter  

Have a ball..... a COOLBALL of course!